چهار جلدی Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine (2022)

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چهار جلدی Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine (2022)
 Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 21th | اصول طب داخلی هاریسون ۲۰۲۲

چهار جلدی Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine (2022)

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انتشارات: ابن سینا
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4,500,000 تومان
3,800,000 تومان

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اصول طب داخلی هاریسون ۲۰۲۲ Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine (2022)


Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine is the world’s most trusted clinical medicine text―and a superb resource for learning the art and science of clinical reasoning. Recognized by healthcare professionals worldwide as the leading authority on applied pathophysiology and clinical medicine, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine provides the informational found ation you need for the best patient care possible. This new edition is fully updated with timely new chapters and essential updates across the spectrum of internal medicine.

Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine stands as the benchmark for authoritative, practical information on patient care and the pathogenesis and clinical management of symptoms and signs and specific diseases. Written and edited by the world’s top experts in their respective fields, this landmark guide provides the comprehensive, accurate, and essential coverage of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.

اصول طب داخلی هاریسون ۲۰۲۲ | Harrison’s is world-renowned as the most authoritative source for:

• De script ions of disease mechanisms and how the clinician can apply that knowledge for the best patient care and optimal diagnosis and treatment of specific diseases
• Clear, concise schemas that facilitate the generation of differential diagnoses to reason efficiently through complex real world clinical cases
• The physiologic and epidemiologic basis of signs and symptoms, which are covered through a wealth of unsurpassed expert guidance and linked to the disease-specific chapters that follow
• Updated clinical trial result s and recommended guidelines
• Excellent and extensive visual support, including radiographs, clinical photos, schematics, and high-quality drawings
• Coverage of both therapeutic approaches and specific treatment regimens
• Practical clinical decision trees and algorithms
• Organ-specific sections, with clinically relevant pathophysiology and practical clinical advice on the approach to the patient, strategies towards building a differential diagnosis, outstanding clinical algorithms and diagnostic schema, a wealth of clinical images and diagrams, current clinical guidelines, general and specific approaches

to therapy

چهار جلدی Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine (2022)

خانهورود به حساب کاربریسبد خرید

صادقیه بزرگراه محمد علی جناح خیابان طاهریان
شماره تلفن ثابت: 02166417209، 02166417622
شماره تلفن همراه: 09194371174،

فروشگاه اینترنتی طب گستران

سایت فروشگاهی کتاب طب گستران با هدف ارائه خدمات در عرصه کتابخوانی و با بالا ترین کیفیت و سریع ترین زمان ممکن کتاب مورد نظر داوطلبان را به دستشان در سراسر کشور میرساند.
فروشگاه طب گستران بهترین تامین کننده کتبهای علوم پزشکی وابسته به تمامی ناشران علوم پزشکی پرستاری مامایی و دندانپزشکی
