کتاب Maternity and Women's Health Care

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کتاب Maternity and Women's Health Care
 کتاب Maternity and Women

کتاب Maternity and Women's Health Care

انتشارات: طب گستران

رنگ و مدل کالا
انتشارات: طب گستران
عدد موجود
1,105,000 تومان
1,370,000 تومان

توضیح و ویژگی های مهم

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برای مشاوره با شماره 02166417209 تماس بگیرید
محصولات مشابه
انتشارات: ارجمند
انتشارات: ارجمند
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کتاب فارماکولوژی برای رشته‌ های پرستاری، مامایی، بهداشت و اتاق عمل250,000 تومان 225,000 تومان
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کتاب پرستاری سلامت جامعه ایلدرآبادی انتشارات جامعه نگر399,000 تومان 379,000 تومان
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انتشارات: اندیشه رفیع
درسنامه جامع پرستاری (خلاصه دروس) اسدی نوقابی انتشارات اندیشه رفیع
درسنامه جامع پرستاری (خلاصه دروس) اسدی نوقابی انتشارات اندیشه رفیع450,000 تومان 382,500 تومان
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خرید کتاب مراقبت های بهداشتی زنان و زایمان

ناشر: Elsevier
شابک: 9780323081108
ویراست: دوازدهم/2020
قطع: رحلی
نوع جلد: شومیز (جلد نرم)
تعداد صفحات: 1024
وزن: 2500 گرم

دسته بندی: پرستاری، زنان و زایمان - Nursing, bstetric, Gynecology & Infertility


Maternity and Women's Health Care 12th Edition

Stay up-to-date with the latest in women’s health! Maternity and Women's Health Care, 12th Edition provides evidence-based coverage of everything you need to know about caring for women of childbearing age. The new edition is thoroughly updated and consistent with the NCLEX® test plan, focusing on prioritization of care and how best to work among interprofessional teams. As in previous editions, this text emphasizes childbearing concerns like newborn care, wellness promotion and the management of women's health problems. The 12th edition integrates the continuum of care throughout, focusing on the importance of understanding family, culture, and community-based care along with new medication alerts, future trends in contraception, human trafficking, the zika virus, and more! Content on many high-risk conditions has been updated to reflect newly published guidelines.

Expert authors of the market-leading maternity nursing textbook deliver the most accurate, up-to-date content.
Clinical Reasoning Case Studies provide you with opportunities to critically analyze a client situation and utilize clinical reasoning skills to identify priorities in care."
Community Activity boxes focus on maternal and new born activities that can be pursued in local community settings and online and illustrate nursing care in a variety of settings including assisting clients locating resources.
Cultural Considerations stress the importance of considering the beliefs and health practices of clients and their families from various cultures when providing care.
Emergency boxes provide information about various emergency situations and offer a quick reference in critical situations.
Medication Guides provide key information about commonly used medications with specific nursing implications.
Nursing Care Plans identify priority client problems and concerns along with appropriate interventions and rationale.
Highlighted Safety alertsintegrated within the content draw attention to developing competencies related to safe nursing practice.
Signs of potential complications highlight vital concerns, alerting you to signs and symptoms of complications and the immediate interventions to provide.
Teaching for Self-Management boxes highlight important information that you need to communicate to patients and families for follow-up care.
Medication Alerts highlighted and integrated within the content alert you to critical drug information that must be considered to provide safe client care.
NEW! Enhanced focus on prioritization of care in clinical reasoning case studies and nursing care plans is consistent with NCLEX® updates.
NEW! Recognition of the importance of interprofessionalcare covers the roles of the various members of the interprofessional healthcare team.
UPDATED! Content on many high-risk conditions updated to reflect newly published guidelines.
NEW! Information about the Zika virus gives you the most current practice guidelines to help you provide quality care.
NEW! Coverage of future trends in contraception help increase your awareness of developing ideas in pregnancy prevention.
Content on gestational diabetes and breast cancer screening cover newly published guidelines.
NEW! Added content on human trafficking provides you with examples and ideas on how to counsel victims and their families.

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صادقیه بزرگراه محمد علی جناح خیابان طاهریان
شماره تلفن ثابت: 02166417209، 02166417622

فروشگاه اینترنتی طب گستران

سایت فروشگاهی کتاب طب گستران با هدف ارائه خدمات در عرصه کتابخوانی و با بالا ترین کیفیت و سریع ترین زمان ممکن کتاب مورد نظر داوطلبان را به دستشان در سراسر کشور میرساند.
فروشگاه طب گستران بهترین تامین کننده کتبهای علوم پزشکی وابسته به تمامی ناشران علوم پزشکی پرستاری مامایی و دندانپزشکی

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